Digital Detox

When is the last time you unplugged your headphones, turned off your phone and really connected with yourself? 

It is SO EASY to get sucked into the abyss that is social media, and I know how tantalizing it can be once you start scrolling through Instagram.

What would happen if you ditched the screens for just 24 hours?

Does the thought of disconnecting like this kind of freak you out? (If so, this is totally normal... do it anyways!)

While I have been abroad, I've been gifted with a beautiful opportunity to disconnect from technology a bit more than usual. You see, when I arrived in Madrid, I made a conscious choice to NOT get a Spanish SIM card, so that I could be less distracted, spend less time on my phone, and get to know the city in real-time. That means I only get to use my phone when I am connected to WiFi... and let me tell you, it has been absolutely MAGICAL!

By not having my face buried in my phone during activities like waiting for the metro, walking to the grocery store, or enjoying a Spanish tortilla at a local cafe, I have had the opportunity to observe much more about my surroundings.

And guess what I've noticed?

In general, I would say that about 95% of people everywhere I look have their heads down, fingers tapping away at a screen, earbuds in, connecting, connecting, connecting with just about everything other than what is actually in front of them. 

I myself am no stranger to this way of living. I have been this person more times than I would like to admit. And it has created great tension in my life, my relationships, my ability to connect to the Present moment. 

Technology, social media specifically, are incredible tools, and I am deeply grateful to get to use such tools to connect with amazing humans like yourself.

However, now, more than ever, it is absolutely essential to create time and space to disconnect from technology so that we can reconnect with ourselves.

Taking 24 hours to totally detox from all screens gives your body, mind and Spirit the ability to truly recalibrate and come back to center.

Digital Detoxing is a practice I began implementing a couple of years ago, and it’s been extremely beneficial in remembering how wonderful life can be when I truly tap into the present moment, without any distractions.

Here are a 6 simple steps that you can use to maximize your 24 hours without technology:

  1. Plan in advance. Find a day in which you’ve completed work tasks, have no social obligations, and can really disconnect from the outside world.

  2. Create a vision. Take a moment to sit in silence, eyes closed, focused on your breath. Visualize how you want to feel during your digital detox. Notice if there’s a place or activity that is calling to you.

  3. Set an intention. What do you desire to take away from this experience? Perhaps it’s a sentence, idea, feeling or just one word that resonates. Write it down and re-visit this intention throughout the day.

  4. Treat this like your special day. Come up with an agenda. Perhaps that means doing absolutely nothing. Or maybe it looks like a long walk, dancing to your favorite song, or starting a new creative project. If you can spend time in nature, this is a huge plus! This is your time to connect with YOU! Do whatever feels right. 

  5. Turn off to tune in. If you keep your devices near by, you’ll likely get tempted to take a peek. Turn off the TV, computer, & phone... put them out of sight & leave them there. If you absolutely need to use a device for music or an alarm, be sure and put it on Airplane Mode (also a great bedtime ritual to implement each day).

  6. Share! Tell your loved ones about your upcoming digital detox. This will create accountability for you and while simultaneously inspiring others to do the same. Keep a conversation going about your experience... you never know how you might impact someone else through sharing!

See, it’s simple. All it takes is a little dedication, and you’re there!

I promise, if you choose to give yourself the gift of a digital detox, you will be thanking yourself big time once it is complete.

Remember... we get to choose how we experience the world. You deserve this time to yourself!

That being said, after over a month of daily Live videos, I am heading into a digital detox of my own!

Thank you for being on this journey with me!

I shine, because of your light!