Courage & Unconditional Love

What do courage and unconditional love have in common? 


We may FEEL unconditional love for ourselves and others, however, when it comes to taking action and showing that love, unconditionally… that requires monumental amounts of courage. 

Does it ever seem like the ones you love the most happen to also be your biggest triggers? 

Our own parents, who gave us this very life and brought us into existence, sometimes end up feeling like our worst enemies. Sibling rivalry… that can resemble one of the world’s worst wars. And what about your spouse? Or your own children? 

Think of the amount of courage it requires to remain truthful and show up as your completely unedited Self, regardless of the circumstance. 

Imagine, being un-trigger-able. 

Imagine letting go of ANY fear, any attachment to outcomes, to the point that you are un-shakeable. 

I believe that no matter how hard we try, we, as humans, are often unsuccessful at sharing our hearts fully. We hold back. We are fearful. We allow separation to creep in and forget how powerful LOVE can really be. 

This separation seems to be mostly by default, appearing that we have no ‘choice’ in the matter. We have forgotten what it feels like to love with our entire being. 

We do have a choice. Always. 

Many of us have very skewed experiences of receiving (at a conscious level) genuine, unconditional love. These thwarted experiences lead to a disbelief in how available & abundant this love actually is. 

I spent a great deal of time thinking unconditional love was only something that could be experienced in the Ethers. That Agape love: the love we feel when we are one with our Source. 

I now believe: I experience unconditional, Divine love ALL THE TIME… and I always have. I just had too much fear & judgment standing in my way to allow it to shine through.

Somewhere along the way, many of us have forgotten how to be COURAGEOUS… how to stand up for what is authentic, kind and loving. 

Unconditional love knows no boundaries. 

Unconditional love has the ability to shine light into the deepest, darkest places. 

We simply must allow it in, even if just a tiny bit at first. 

When we are to stuck in our own fear, pain and darkness, it can feel nearly impossible to believe in a love so deep that it can deliver us to a place of light, love and happiness. 

We become hardened, angry, disconnected… Disconnected from our own hearts, and disconnected from our Infinite Self. 

Practicing unconditional love takes courage, patience and so much faith.

It requires giving yourself permission to so blindly trust in something that often feels completely intangible, unreachable and perhaps even nonexistent. 

So what will it take to overcome this deep fear?

First, we identify where this separation originates. 

We look inside, observe, and begin to re-connect the dots.

Some of us come into this lifetime with a heightened awareness of the unlimited access we have to this kind of love. Many more may spend lifetimes upon lifetimes working toward uncovering and remembering even the beginning of what unconditional love truly is. 

Infinity, Life, Death, Rebirth.


Such a beautiful mantra to meditate on.

We experience this over and over and over again. 

Remembering our true nature, then forgetting again. 

To me, experiencing rebirth simply means remembering unconditional love, remembering my Source & how connected we all really are and releasing anything that isn’t in alignment with that. 

And that rebirth requires releasing... letting go. 

It requires allowing parts of ourselves to die in order for other parts to resurface. 

We must release our fears so that we can be reborn with the courage to fully experience life, through love. 

I’m ready to release the fear and uncertainty that has kept me from knowing and remembering this love.

I am choosing, right NOW, that I get to live a life full of forgiveness, compassion and unconditional love.

We always have a choice.

And I choose COURAGE.

I choose LOVE.

What do you choose?

And so it is… and so it shall be. 

Sat Nam

Emily // Seva Bhagwati Kaur